March for Our Lives, Download Poster Designs
On March 24th, students will take to the streets in cities across the the U.S. with a simple demand: that our leaders prioritize the safety of children by taking immediate action on gun violence.
The statistics are horrifying, to say the least.
- There have been 208 school shootings since Columbine (1999), resulting in 122 fatalities in schools alone in less than 20 years.
- So far, 67 mass shootings (four or more casualties) have been reported across the country this year, and we haven’t even reached April.
- Data from the Gun Violence Archive shows that on average, there is a mass shooting nine out of every ten days in the U.S.
March for Our Lives was created, organized and promoted by students across the country, with an astonishing 720 sister marches and events planned around the world.
We at 26FIVE stand with these young leaders, whose fearlessness and resolution have inspired and emboldened so many to say #NotOneMore.
In support for those marching this weekend, our team has created several poster designs, available for download below.